Thursday, 17 October 2019


**Edits made to update with the new book, Renegades of Disruption. I highly recommend reading that book first prior to reading this blog, listening to the podcast or other Viable Underdogs Material. Renegades of Disruption lays out the foundation that all other ideas will be based on. It was always intended to be written first, but due to the time-sensitive nature of the material in the Podcast-Audiobook (And Uncage Human Ingenuity), it wasn't.**

The following link includes a list of all material that will be continually updated as new material is added:

Book Links & Other Viable Underdogs Material

The purpose of this blog (and Viable Underdogs in general) is to continue exploring ideas initially discovered during the course of the Global Sustainability Diagnostic for the Viable Underdogs Podcast, and to oversee a successful transition of our Planet from a Type 0 Civilization to a Type 1 Civilization by the end of this century (See: Viable Underdogs' Podcast & Book). We will explore various challenges and solutions on a global level to maximize the success rate of this transition.

The Podcast can be found on Spotify, iTunes, Google Play (Search: "Viable Underdogs"). It can also be found on Podbean:

Podcast-Audiobook (On Podbean)

The podcast is basically an audio book. A written version of the Podcast-Audiobook is available at the above link of all V-Dogs material. The written version of the Podcast-Audiobook is called: A Type 1 Unfreeze-Chain Letter.

You can also check out visual representations of some of the concepts we cover on YouTube. The channel name is: "Viable Underdogs." The podcast, book, and videos all explore realistic profitable solutions to global sustainability in a short time frame. However, there does not appear to be much interest in these ideas at the moment. As well, there are other issues we are quite concerned about.

I strongly urge you to first check out the book, videos, and podcast prior to reading this blog. This blog is a step in the wrong direction as far as I'm concerned. The sustainability issues could currently be getting addressed using my strategies (I have been actively promoting these strategies since January 2019). The main problem is that our species is very slow to accept new ideas, and no one can be bothered to take the time to entertain new ideas. This is covered in greater detail in  the latest book, Renegades of Disruption.

This blog will further explore issues identified during the course of the Global Sustainability Diagnostic, which will include the following:

  • The Slow Acceptance of New Ideas & Frameworks I created to overcome this problem.
  • The Fall of Journalism & the associated problems this creates.
  • The Silo Effect within Academic Fields & the ridiculous amount of knowledge waiting to be discovered by anyone!
  • How to combat the many inefficiencies present in Science, Politics, and other organizations.
  • Other global issues that have world-changing consequences.
I will also be adding updates about books and other material in the works in this blog. 

This blog will be updated as I complete the articles, which means, there is no set posting schedule. Hopefully you also prefer quality to quantity...

Solving the Global Communication Crisis

Prior to reading: The following article references material included in other books. Check out for a list of all books. It may be...