Monday 17 May 2021

Solving the Global Communication Crisis

Prior to reading: The following article references material included in other books. Check out for a list of all books. It may be helpful to read Escape From Earth (though it is not necessary). The remaining material presented in this blog has been edited and condensed in the book, Minutes to Martian Midnight.

This article was originally written as a white paper and it is best viewed in that format. For a free copy of this white paper, or for any questions regarding the concepts explored, email:


Executive Summary

This white paper presents a global crisis that has been ongoing for years. The crisis has not been resolved due to a misunderstanding of a business term, resulting in the academic world trivializing the severity of the crisis. The misunderstood business term is ‘Christensen’s Theory of Business Disruption.’ This Disruption started in 2003 when social media started to replace news media as the general public’s main source of information on current events. In 2021, news media has effectively transformed into social media. The Disruption of news media has resulted in misinformation, disinformation, and conspiracy theories, particularly regarding global crises.

Prior to 1991, news media utilized one-way communication systems. The Disruption of news media could have been avoided if news media did not transition from one-way communication systems to two-way communication systems. This paper explains this concept in more detail and provides a solution to the communication crisis in journalism. If the solution presented in this paper is implemented, it solves the crisis in journalism, increases public trust, and ensures that journalists are not underfunded, short-staffed, or under-compensated. By separating the two entities, news media and social media, it also decreases the censorship of speech that is occurring on both platforms.

Table of Contents

I. Executive Summary
II. Table of Contents
III. Clayton Christensen’s Theory of Business Disruption
IV. The Disruptive Fall of Journalism
V. Compromised Global Communication
VI.One-way and Two-way Communication Systems
VII. A Stratagem for the Crisis in Journalism
VIII. References

Table of Figures

Figure 1. Christensen’s Disruption
Figure 2. Disruption of News Media by Social Media
Figure 3. ‘Noise’ in Communication Channels
Figure 4. The Telephone Game

Clayton Christensen’s
Theory of Business Disruption

Clayton Christensen explores the business term ‘Disruption’ in his book “The Innovator’s Dilemma.” Christensen’s Disruption pertains to an innovative technology that begins as a non-competitor in the market it eventually disrupts. Christensen’s Theory of Business Disruption is applicable to many industries, including journalism, healthcare, education, and in the following case, video rental.

When Netflix’s streaming service was first released in 2007, it was not in direct competition with rental video businesses since access to the same type of media was mostly non-existent. Netflix was primarily offering dated or obscure content. Netflix’s initial market was customers that were not too discriminatory with their choice of content. As the service gained more popularity, Netflix offered more mainstream content, which moved it into the same market as rental video businesses like Blockbuster Video. At this point, streaming services Disrupted the rental video industry due to the many advantages offered by a streaming service over a rental service.

Figure 1. Christensen’s Disruption

Blockbuster Video was a retail chain that rented movies and video games, and a significant portion of its profits stemmed from late fees. When Netflix entered the movie rental business, it did not need to rely on late fees as a source of profits since it had fewer expenses than retail stores. Netflix allowed customers to rent DVDs via mail service.

Had Netflix not entered the streaming services industry, then its business model would not have Disrupted the movie rental business. At this point, Netflix was transitionally disrupting video rental companies like Blockbuster Video since both were competing for the same market: people that wanted to rent physical copies of movies.

If Netflix had continued to solely focus on the rental DVD market, then Blockbuster could have continued to compete in that market, since it had already copied the model. However, Netflix pursued a new emerging technological innovation: streaming services.

While Blockbuster Video also pursued streaming services, there is an important distinction to make regarding Christensen’s Disruption. Blockbuster was pursuing the mainstream market, which was the same market as those currently renting videos. However, the streaming component of Netflix’s overall strategy was not initially targeting the rental market, it was targeting a brand-new market: Those that simply wanted something to watch but were not too picky what they were watching. Most of the movies and TV shows Netflix held rights to stream were quite old or obscure. It would not have been profitable if Netflix had initially tried to target new and popular movies and TV shows like it did later, when it held a much larger market share.

As Netflix gained more customers in this new market, it now became profitable to stream the same types of new movies and TV shows that rental businesses like Blockbuster Video offered. Video rental and streaming services were now offering the same content, and the rental market was Disrupted due to the clear advantages of streaming services over video rental:

-No late fees
-Lower costs (No need for physical stores, clerks, inventory, etc.).
-Binge watching
-More viewing options than any single retail store could offer
-Convenience of not needing to leave the house

In this case, the introduction of a disruptive technology, streaming services, bankrupted a billion-dollar industry shortly after the technology was introduced. Disruption is obvious in retrospect, but difficult to perceive while it is occurring. A more detailed explanation of Christensen’s Theory of Business Disruption can be read in his book “The Innovator’s Dilemma.”

Any industry experiencing Christensen’s Disruption results in the same thing that happened to the rental video industry. The previous industry is destroyed. This fundamental concept behind Christensen’s Theory of Business Disruption has been misunderstood in the academic world.

In 2012, Clayton Christensen confirmed that News Media was being Disrupted by Social Media (Allworth, 2012). The ongoing misinformation and disinformation that has been increasing in news stories over the last several years was predictable and avoidable.

The following explores the Disruption of News Media by Social media, and how this Disruption has resulted in the ‘Fall of Journalism.’

The Disruptive Fall of Journalism

21 July 2020

In the world of 2020, objective truth has become a distant memory. News stories are often intentionally polarizing to evoke strong emotions from viewers and capitalize on market share. Exaggerations, half-truths, click-bait, and other manipulative tactics are rampant throughout both conservative and liberal news outlets. The source of this problem can be traced back to the ‘Fall of Journalism,’ or ‘Disruption of Journalism,’ that started at the turn of the century. This essay explores this issue by analyzing the story from academic articles and news articles, with a particular focus on how each author(s) defines journalism and Disruption. It is concluded that while some author(s) better define the terms, all appear to trivialize the significance of what the Fall of Journalism represents.

During the ongoing global pandemic this year, the story changes dramatically from news source to news source. Since the start of the year, some sources stated that the world was overreacting, while others stated that the world was under-reacting. Regardless of the reality, the existence of these two separate perceptions is indicative of a global communication problem. When this occurs, misinformation and conspiracy theories increase in frequency and severity, much has occurred on COVID-19 (Ball & Maxmen, 2020, para. 4). This communication problem has resulted in global economic devastation that has left many businesses bankrupt (Toneguzzi, 2020, para. 1), which is a common consequence anytime an industry, journalism in this case, undergoes Disruption.

Disruption is a business theory that was popularized by Clayton Christensen in his 1997 book The Innovator’s Dilemma. Christensen defines Disruption as how a new technology, concept or strategy starts out as a non-competitor in the market it eventually disrupts (Allworth, Christensen, & Skok, 2012, para. 9). A rather famous example is how the streaming service, Netflix, Disrupted the video rental industry resulting in bankruptcies of companies like Blockbuster Video (Satell, 2014, para. 2). In his article, Breaking News, Christensen applies his Theory of Disruption to the field of journalism and presents various strategies for news businesses to avoid similar outcomes as what happened to Blockbuster (Allworth et. al., 2012, para. 90-107).

Breaking News is co-authored by David Skok and James Allworth and it is presented in a neutral tone and language. The authors present their argument well by using historically known examples of Disruption to explain what is occurring in journalism.

Figure 2. Disruption of News Media by Social Media

By clearly defining the Fall of Journalism as a classic case of Disruption, the authors alter the significance of the problem. Kent Lewis outlines in his book Word and World how different definitions can drastically alter what they seek to define (Lewis, 2008, pp. 71-75). By clearly stating that the field of journalism is in a state of classic business Disruption, Christensen and his co-authors make it clear that the consequences to journalism will follow the same trend as other Disrupted industries like video rental. However, the article appears to trivialize the consequences, or it would explore communication issues, such as misinformation, that can occur when the ‘truth’ journalists are supposed to convey is heavily Disrupted. Further evidence of the state of Disruption in journalism is explored next.

Alex Williams interned at the Pew Research Center (Williams, 2017, p. 4732) and shares the results of his journalism findings in his article Measuring the Journalism Crisis: Developing New Approaches that Help the Public Connect to the Issue. In it, Williams defines journalism as being in a crisis, and does not appear to be aware that the crisis is caused from the ongoing Disruption. Although Williams (2017) states that there are known problems of “misinformation and sensational news articles” (p. 4732) in journalism, his article also appears to trivialize the Fall of Journalism. This is made evident when Williams (2017) explains that job losses in journalism amount to 40% in 8 years (4731), and he does so with a lack of connotative language, which would help “manipulate…the perceptions of the audience” (Lewis, 2008, p. 37).

The need for this emotional manipulation becomes necessary when one considers the ramifications of a 40% job loss in under a decade in a professional field. Imagine the associated increased crime and disorder if this 40% job loss occurred in the field of police, or the infrastructure problems resulting from a 40% loss of city construction workers. What if 40% of nurses were laid off in 8 short years, what would one expect the consequences of that to look like? When journalism is Disrupted, the resulting consequences involve some news outlets mislabeling countries on world maps (Zhou, 2019, para. 1). While it appears Alex Williams and the other authors in this essay appear to explore the issue of the Fall of Journalism as mere curiosity, the significance of a 40% job loss in a professional field cannot be understated.

The article Journalism in Crisis? by John Russial, Peter Laufer, and Janet Wasko is primarily focused on defining journalism to determine whether it is indeed in crisis. The article shares many of the same insights as Kent Lewis does on media (Lewis, 2008, pp. 267 - 278). Overall, the article offers a neutral tone with the occasional use of connotative language such as when it references Aldous Huxley’s dystopia novel Brave New World (Laufer et. al., 2015, p. 305). While the article does an effective job of defining journalism, it also trivializes the crisis by not really answering its own question other than stating that journalism is in crisis at the end of the article (Laufer et. al., 2015, p. 310). As well, while it appears that Laufer et. al. (2015) intuitively are aware that the crisis is being caused by Disruption, such as when they mention bloggers and start-ups altering the journalism model (p. 305), they never define it as Disruption, nor reference Clayton Christensen’s work on the subject.

Conversely, Jill Lepore is familiar with Christensen’s definition of Disruption and argues against its validity in her article The Disruption Machine. In it, Lepore provides examples of failed ‘disruptors’ such as Morisson-Knudsen’s failures with MK Transit and MK Rail and Time Inc.’s failure with the new media venture, Pathfinder (Lepore, 2014, para. 27). This illustrates Lepore’s misunderstanding of the definition of Disruption since, based on the brief evidence provided, both of her examples are great examples of failed strategic management and not examples of ‘failed Disruption.’

Lepore then goes on to state that journalism cannot be Disrupted since “it’s not an industry in that sense” (Lepore, 2014, para. 30) and that “the press has generally supported itself by charging subscribers and selling advertising” (para. 31). In this case, it appears Lepore has difficulty defining journalism as a business or a public service. However, as mentioned earlier, job losses were almost cut by half in under a decade which would strongly indicate that journalism is subject to the same challenges that can occur in business organizations, which includes Disruption. Overall, it appears Lepore (2014) has a strong bias towards being one of the sole critics of a widely accepted business concept, made evident when she states as much at the start of her article (para. 9).

Adhering to the theme presented within this essay, the article The Future of Journalism begins by exploring the Disruption occurring within the field of journalism (Allan, Carter, Cushion, Dencik, Garcia-Blanko, Harris, Sambrook, Wahl-Jorgensen, & Williams, 2016, p. 801), but then dismisses the idea it represents. Once again, Clayton Christensen and his work on Disruption are not referenced suggesting that the authors either felt it unnecessary to credit his work or are unaware of his work. If the latter is the reason, it calls into question the thoroughness of the research performed by nine separate academics when the author of this paper performed mere cursory research to complete this paper.

One questions at which point the state of the current crisis in journalism moves from ‘mere curiosity’ in academia to one that is made known to the general public so that the problem can be corrected. Allan et. al. (2016) appear aware of the potential severity of the problem when they state that the current Disruption threatens journalists, businesses, and the public (p. 801). However, the language and focus of research indicating this style of global threat should do more to highlight these potential consequences, should they not? Instead, about a third of The Future of Journalism explores opportunities that can be exploited, rather than attempting to raise awareness of the crisis. Once again, this is indicative of a complete lack of understanding on the definition of Disruption. It also presents another example of the nuances posed when defining the role of journalism in a constantly changing world.

In chapter seven of Word and World, Kent Lewis suggests that journalists turned the 2003 SARS epidemic into “a media event” (Lewis, 2008, p. 269). This makes one wonder if Lewis would say the same thing about COVID-19. After all, there is research suggesting that COVID-19’s death rate is lower than SARS (Ries, 2020, para. 14). In this case, it appears Lewis misunderstands the definition of exponential growth and how this relates to epidemics. Prior to the Disruption of journalism in 2003, the story of SARS was successfully communicated, and the epidemic was largely contained with 495 global deaths (Lewis, 2008, p. 269). Seventeen short years later, the next outbreak was poorly communicated by a field of professionals severely impacted by Disruption, and the world is getting a glimpse of what SARS could have looked like if it happened today.

The last article to be examined in this essay is an article by Margaret Simons called Journalism faces a crisis worldwide - we might be entering a new dark age. As should come as no surprise by now, Christensen’s Disruption is not referenced in this article, even though Simons discusses many points of the Disruption, such as how the ad revenue model has dramatically changed when she states that 90% of all ad revenue in the western world is generated by Google and Facebook (Simons, 2017, para. 11). Ironically, Simon’s connotative use of ‘dark age’ in her title is the exact type of click-bait journalism that is predicted by Christensen’s Disruption model. Although the author of this paper thinks ‘dark age’ is a rather apt term to use now that social distancing and surgical facemasks have become the new normal in 2020.

In this paper, six separate articles exploring the ongoing crisis in journalism were examined. It was decided that while academics and journalists do appear to realize that journalism is in crisis, the method they employ to define the problem and its consequences trivialize the significance of the issue. In the past, governments and businesses have often been accused of disrupting the truth to produce their own version of reality for their own gain, however, this always occurred on a nation-wide scale. The question the reader should ask themselves is what exactly happens when the truth is disrupted on a global scale while academics, for the most part, have no idea of the significance this represents and the magnitude of the potential consequences? Every single news outlet, conservative and liberal, is severely affected by the Disruptive Fall of Journalism. If Huxley and Orwell were alive today, they would probably give the smuggest ‘I told you so’ in history. Our world has sacrificed academic integrity and objective truth for emotional validation on social media outlets and polarizing entertainment in journalism.

Fake news, anyone?

Compromised Global Communication

Journalism is near the end of a ‘Disruption’ that started in the early 2000’s as social media exploded in popularity. This altered the ad revenue business model that news outlets heavily relied on, resulting in less funds to hire writing and editing staff. This problem is compounded by a saturation of news outlets (both liberal and conservative) now compete for market share during the period of globalization. Many outlets have resorted to reporting on click-bait and other sensationalized stories, resulting in general distrust of journalism.

This compromised communication results in many problems. The worse of which is an inability to effectively manage global crises. Anytime a crisis occurs, every news outlet is focused on market share rather than focused on communicating one single consistent message. This creates general confusion and distrust in the public, with some challenging the existence of the crisis itself. This has occurred during the COVID-19 crisis and has been occurring on the Sustainability Crisis for many years.

To clarify, this is not a comment on the existence or severity of crises like COVID-19 or sustainability. Compromised communication makes it impossible to discern what information is accurate, unbiased, and complete.

The severity of this problem becomes better understood when one considers the role journalism currently plays in the world of 2021; Journalism is the main intermediary of information.

Where do you, the reader, get your news from?

Chances are it is from one of 3 sources:

-various news media (both liberal and conservative outlets)
-social media (which is mainly re-posted stories from news media)
-some form of aggregated news source like Google News (The original source is still news media)

The average person still relies on journalism to inform them of current events, which includes global crises. And since journalism is undergoing Disruption, it means that the information the average person is receiving regarding current events is incorrect.

Ask any soldier how important effective communication is on the battlefield. If you knock out an enemy’s ability to communicate, you blind them.

Global civilization is currently blind. Any global crisis cannot be effectively communicated nor managed. The next section discusses the technical aspects of the Disruption of Journalism. The technology behind Netflix’s Disruption was the Internet - the same communication system that has allowed social media to Disrupt news media.

One-way and Two-way
Communication Systems

This section explains how a Disruptive technology was the source of the Crisis in Journalism. Prior to the Internet, news media utilized solely one-way communication channels. Mass communication, like journalism, should utilize one-way communication channels. When mass communication is diffused on two-way communication channels, it creates noise (feedback), which results in compromised communication.

When the Internet was globally introduced in 1991, news media transitioned to two-way communication channels. Since then, there has been a steady progression in misinformation, disinformation, conspiracy theories, ‘fake news’ and other communication problems.

More information on communication can be found in the book, “The Mathematical Theory of Communication” (see references).

Basics of Communication

Communication involves a sender, a recipient, a message, and the communication channel that carries the message. Communication is vital to strategy. Strategy cannot be enacted if communication is compromised.

Figure 3. ‘Noise’ in Communication Channels

A communication channel is compromised by silence, noise, or replacement. Silence is loss of established communication. Noise is distortion, feedback, and amplification introduced into the communication channel. Replacement hijacks the communication channel with an alternate message.

If you send a letter via mail, but I steal your letter during transport, then your communication channel has gone silent. If you send a letter via mail, but I intercept this letter and scribble nonsense on the letter making it indiscernible, then your communication channel has noise. If I hijack your letter during transport and create a new message the recipient believes authentic, then your communication channel has been replaced.

All communication channels are vulnerable to silence, noise, and replacement. This principle applies to any scale whether an individual is communicating with one other individual or the entire world. This applies to one-way communication channels (where the recipient cannot communicate with the sender) and two-way communication channels.

Communication Systems

Communication systems vary in speed and size, but all systems contain communication channels that are either one-way or two-way. When the recipient and sender can switch positions on the same channel it is two-way. Letter delivery and telephone are examples of two-way communication. One-way communication does not allow the recipient to become the sender. Television and radio are examples of one-way communication.

Two-way communication is beneficial for one-on-one communication. One-way communication is beneficial for one entity communicating with many. Historically, news media utilized one-way communication systems. Recipients of news messages could not use the same communication channel to send responses. (Responses to news media could not be sent via television or paperboy).

The largest global communication system (Internet) is a two-way communication channel. A sender sends messages to specified recipient(s) or with no specified recipient. The ‘world’ that exists inside the communication channel is an organized collection of messages with no specified recipient.

The Internet is reliable when used as two-way communication between sender and specified recipient(s). However, when a two-way communication channel is used as a one-way mass communication channel, it creates ‘noise.’ This ‘noise’ presents itself as misinformation,
disinformation, and conspiracy theories.

Eight years after the Internet was launched there was so much noise some thought the world was ending during the ‘Y2K Apocalypse.’ This occurred again during the 2012 ‘Mayan Apocalypse.’ The end of the world is repeated so often that the world has lost the ability to communicate the message.

Figure 4. ‘The Telephone Game’

* This figure demonstrates how ‘noise’ (from the Disruption of journalism)
Corrupts every message on global crises. This is no different than how a message
becomes corrupted in the popular children’s game, ‘The Telephone Game.’

Perception and Reality

When a communication channel is operating as designed, the messages sent inside the communication channel match the reality outside the communication channel. Only one reality exists for the recipient.

When communication is compromised, the recipient of the message is faced with two possible realities. The perceptive reality ‘inside’ the communication channel and the objective reality ‘outside’ the communication channel. If the recipient learns the communication channel is compromised, then the corrupted reality inside the communication channel is ignored. If the recipient does not know the communication channel is compromised, the recipient believes the corrupted reality.

If I send you a letter saying I am healthy, when I am ill, and you have no reason to distrust me, then you believe a corrupted reality.

The Internet is a communication channel that allows global simultaneous communication. If the channel is compromised, there can exist as many corrupted realities as users of the global communication channel.

7.8 Billion versions of corrupted reality.

The Internet is a communication channel saturated with so much noise that any message sent to more than one recipient is distrusted.

A Stratagem for the Crisis in Journalism

A crisis is only a crisis upon identification. A crisis that is ignored becomes catastrophe. The crisis in journalism was identified years ago…

Messages sent on two-way communication channels require a response. The minimum response is acknowledgement of the received message. If this is not desired, then a one-way communication channel suffices. If one entity sends mass communication on a two-way communication channel, recipients of the message respond. This creates noise (feedback) on the communication channel.

Journalism is mass communication from one entity to many. The crisis (Disruption) in journalism occurred when journalism transitioned from one-way communication channels (Television, Radio, Newspaper) to a two-way communication channel (Internet). News media send messages over the Internet, recipients acknowledge, agree, or argue in response (through social media and comment sections). A message from one sender is amplified by three responses in the same communication channel. Noise from redundant responses equals the number of users if all users respond. In 2021, one message sent over the global communication channel can receive 23,400,000,000 responses.

The crisis in journalism has diminished public trust. The Internet allows any user the ability for mass communication. Any Internet user can create a website that replicates the news.

One person creates ‘news’ on the Internet.

If news media transitions to one-way communication systems, it solves the global catastrophe in journalism by increasing public trust, compensation, and reliability in journalism. This separates news media from social media (reverses the ongoing Disruption) and allows news media to fund itself through different ad revenue than social media. This also decreases censorship that has been occurring on both platforms due to the communication problems that are occurring since these two entities have effectively been ‘combined’ for several years. As well, it eliminates a conflict of interest that will occur if news media is to be funded by social media, which some have suggested as a possible solution to the crisis.

This stratagem should only be communicated over one-way communication channels and two-way communication channels with one recipient. If you understand what is written in this paper, no explanation is needed.

If the reader agrees with the stratagem, approval is provided by forwarding this to another individual affected by the crisis in journalism.

More information can be obtained by contacting the email at the start of this article.


Allan, S., Carter, C., Cushion, S., Dencik, L., Garcia-Blanko, I., Harris, J., Sambrook, R., Wahl-Jorgensen, K., & Williams, A. (2016). The future of journalism. Journalism Studies, 17 (7), 801-807. doi:10.1080/1461670X.2016.1199486

Allworth, J., Christensen, C., & Skok, D. (2012, September 15). Breaking News. Nieman Reports. Retrieved from

Ball, P. & Maxmen, A. (2020, May 27). The epic battle against coronavirus misinformation and conspiracy theories. Nature. Retrieved from

Christensen, C. (1997). The Innovator’s Dilemma. Boston, Massachusetts: Harvard Business School Publishing.

Huxley, A. (1932). Brave New World. New York, New York: Rosetta Books LLC.

Laufer, P., Russial,J., & Wasko, J. (2015) Journalism in crisis? Javnost - The Public, 22 (4), 299-312. doi:10.1080/13183222.2015.1091618

Lepore, J. (2014, June 23). The disruption machine. The New Yorker. Retrieved from

Lewis, K. (2008). Word and world: A critical thinking reader (1st Canadian ed.). Toronto, ON: Nelson Education.

Ries, J. (2020, March 12). Here’s how COVID-19 compares to past outbreaks. Heathline. Retrieved from

Satell, G. (2014, September 5). A look back at why Blockbuster really failed and why it didn’t have to. Forbes. Retrieved from

Shannon, C. & Weaver, W. (1949). The Mathematical Theory of Communication. The University of 
Illinois Press: Urbana.

Simons, M. (2017, April 15). Journalism faces a crisis worldwide - we might be entering a new dark age. The Guardian. Retrieved from

Toneguzzi, M. (2020, March 24). Second wave of retail bankruptcies expected in Canada amid COVID-19 pandemic: expert. Retail Insider. Retrieved from

Williams, A. (2017). Measuring the journalism crisis: developing new approaches that help the public connect to the issue. International Journal of Communication, 11, 4731-4743. Retrieved from

Zhou, N. (2019, August 24). Russia Today puts Japan on the map, where New Zealand should be. The Guardian. Retrieved from

Monday 20 April 2020

A Seventy Seven Million Dollar Chalk Mark

Viable Underdogs Preface

“There are many dubious stories in the history of ideas, and some, despite their improbability, make valid points. One such story is about Charles Steinmetz (or Edison, or Tesla, depending on the version you hear), holder of more than 200 patents, who retired from General Electric. A complex system had broken, and no one could fix it so they hired him back to consult. Steinmetz found the malfunctioning part and marked it with a piece of chalk. He submitted a bill for $10,000. The GE managers were stunned and asked for an itemized invoice. He sent back the following: Making the chalk mark, $1, Knowing where to place the chalk mark $9,999. Ideas are like chalk marks: as simple as they may seem, knowing where, when, and why to use even the smallest ones can make all the difference in the world.

…a small idea, applied consistently, can have disproportionately large effects."

-Scott Berkun,
writer of the book, Mindfire, 
and one of the great thinkers in our time.

The following work, Viable Underdogs, represents the last 4 years of my life. Short of supporting myself and the odd vacation, Viable Underdogs occupied most of my free time. I say this with the intent of impressing you because you are the person whose time I am requesting, and you deserve the best in return for your time: Premium level material you hopefully enjoy. I’m just a random person in the world hoping to impress one other random person in the world. You.

This is it. My Absolute Best. I sincerely hope you enjoy it.

-The Last Clockmaker on Mars
April 20, 2020


Executive Summary (2 versions)

Bodacious Blue Version (Click HERE)
(12 minutes total read time)

1. Who I am? / What I am offering? / Why you should care?
2. Redefining the Problem / Main Overview
3. Answer to the V-Dogs Promotional Riddle
4. Explanation and Timeline: Chain Letter - Blue Version
5. A Call to Action - Blue Version

Radical Red Version (Click HERE)
(12 minutes total read time)

1. What is Viable Underdogs?
2. Disruption of YouTube
3. Second Launch and Why
4. A Story As Old As Civilization Itself: Chain Letter - Red Version
5. A Call to Action - Red Version

Video List
(All videos are approx. 3 - 10 minutes long)

NOTE: All links will be checked weekly to ensure they still work. Depending on your device, you may have to 'right click' and 'open in new tab' to view the video. If any link is down, please either get in touch or check back soon.

Written version of this video available HERE

Provides a brief overview of what to expect in the Viable Underdogs book, Uncage Human Ingenuity (More details in the two Executive Summaries above).

Written version of this chapter available HERE
(Chapter 15 of the book, A Type 1 Unfreeze-Chain Letter). This episode is the 'unofficial introduction' to Viable Underdogs. 

More details provided in the two Executive Summaries above. 

These two videos (Red & Blue) explain Lateral Thinking and provide an example of using 'Lateral Thinking' by modifying the same strategy originally used by one of the most popular video games of all time, Pokemon. 

**Updates to any ongoing strategies being attempted will soon be available here. The current 'taboo' strategy is explained in the above executive summaries.**

Sunday 19 April 2020

Viable Underdogs Executive Summary (Bodacious Blue Version)

Welcome to Viable Underdogs, and thank you for taking valuable time out of your day to visit this site and read this article.

In this ‘BLUE’ version of this Article, we are discussing:

1. Who I am? / What I am offering? / Why you should care? (1 min)
2. Redefining the Problem / Main Overview (3 mins)
3. Answer to the V-Dogs Promotional Riddle (1 min)
4. Explanation and Timeline: Chain Letter - Blue Version (3 mins)
5. A Call to Action - Blue Version (4 mins)

In the other ‘
RED’ version of this Article, we are discussing:

1. What is Viable Underdogs? (2 mins)
2. Disruption of YouTube (4 mins)
3. Second Launch and Why (2 mins)
4. A Story As Old As Civilization Itself: Chain Letter - Red Version (2 mins)
5. A Call to Action - Red Version (2 mins)

NOTE: I am not a professional writer - please ignore minor typos and other writing errors.


Who am I?:

An individual with expertise in technological diagnostics, specialized communication, and computer networking systems. A brief outline of relevant education and experience is included in the references section.

What am I offering?:

A new type of consultancy service and a new type of diagnostic service that is applied on a global level - something that currently does not exist. Proof that these services do not exist are included in my work. These global (also known as ‘Type 1’) consultancy and diagnostic services include the following:

* Strategies that would vastly improve the global management of crises like the 2008 Economic Crisis, the COVID-19 Crisis and the ongoing Sustainability Crisis. This means drastically lowering the number of deaths and/or mitigating economic consequences.
* Repairing our compromised global communication channels. This is a problem we are all intuitively aware of when we discuss the following terms:  misinformation, disinformation, The Fall of Journalism, Fake News, The Disruption of Journalism, Social Media Amplification, etc. 
* There are other strategies, but the current main focus is repairing communication.

Why you should care?:

The longer these communication channels are compromised, the greater the likelihood of more crises like the 2008 Economic Crisis, COVID-19, and the ongoing Sustainability Crisis occurring. These types of crises will increase in magnitude and frequency if the strategies I outline in my work are not implemented. For those that do not believe in the existence or severity of these crises, then once again, this is further proof of compromised global communication. 


Traditionally, any time an individual or organization is confronted with a problem, the problem is ‘framed’ in the following generic method:

“How do we solve ‘x’?” 
“How do we prevent ‘x’ from happening?
“How do we solve Sustainability?” 
“How do we prevent global pandemics?”
However, the problem with framing the problem in such a way is that it limits the way the problem itself can be explored. Here’s an example of an alternate method:
“Do solutions for ‘x’ already exist?” 
“Do solutions already exist to prevent ‘x’ from happening?”
“Do solutions already exist to solve sustainability?” 
“Do solutions already exist to prevent global pandemics from occurring?”
The majority of Viable Underdogs material was created based on scaled-up versions of strategies that already exist in some academic fields. This concept is known in the business world as ‘Lateral Thinking.’

The following section provides a brief overview of what exactly is meant by “compromised global communication channels.”

Compromised Global Communication Overview

This outline is an ‘executive summary’ of work that spans over three books worth of material. The strategies all combine concepts from various academic fields, a process known in Business Management as Lateral Thinking. These books are heavily referenced throughout to ensure transparency and accuracy. Here are the three books:

Renegades of Disruption 
How To Overcome Humanity’s Overwhelming Resistance To Change & New Ideas.

Uncage Human Ingenuity 
A Realistic, Profitable Transition To Sustainability Within 10 Years. 
A Type 1 Unfreeze-Chain Letter 
Laterally Applying Change Management Concepts To Correct Compromised Global Communication Channels.

***Click HERE For free PDF downloads of all books***

Each sentence in the following outline summarizes a large volume of work. The number at the end of each sentence corresponds to the references section and directs you to the volume of work being summarized.

Slow to Accept New Ideas & Change

Humanity is very slow to accept new ideas and implement change (1). Decades or even centuries are required to implement some forms of crucial change (2). As just one example, despite overwhelming evidence presented from day one, it took almost 30 years for the medical field to implement the practice of sterilization and hand-washing prior to surgery (2).

Statistically, any time a new, innovative, disruptive idea is presented, only 1 person out of 1000 will initially understand the significance of it (3). Even scientific and medical fields are not insulated from this statistic, as displayed with the previous example of hand-washing (2). This has to do with a number of social and psychological factors (4), which include education (5) and associative barriers (6).

Compromised Global Communication

Journalism is in the middle of a disruption that started in the early 2000’s as the Internet, and particularly social media, exploded in popularity (7). This altered the ad revenue business model that news outlets heavily relied on, which means there are less funds to hire writing and editing staff (8). This problem is compounded by a saturation of news outlets (both liberal and conservative) all trying to compete for market share in a global market (8). Many outlets have resorted to reporting on click-bait and other sensationalized stories, resulting in general distrust of some, if not all, news outlets (9).

This disruption is the same style of disruption that occurs in various business organizations (10). A popular example of this is what streaming services like Netflix did to rental video businesses like Blockbuster Video (11). This compromised global communication system is a problem similar to what can occur in vehicle networking systems (12). This compromised communication creates many problems, the most concerning of which is the following:

Our Inability to Effectively Communicate During a Crisis

This compromised communication results in many problems. The worse of which is our inability to effectively manage global crises (13). Anytime a crisis occurs, every news outlet is still focused on market share rather than focused on communicating one single consistent message. This creates general confusion and distrust in the public, with some challenging the existence of the crisis itself (14). This has occurred during the COVID-19 crisis, and has been occurring on the Sustainability Crisis for many years.

Viable Underdogs offers a 16 month ‘snapshot’ of these types of problems and communication ‘delays.’

Incorrect Global Perception

Since more than one conflicting message is continuously diffused through various communication channels throughout our world, it drastically alters public PERCEPTION (15). This means there is far less urgency and incentive to address these issues (15). 

To be clear, this has affected every single human being on the planet. All 7.8 Billion people. If you are reading this, you are also affected.

Viable Underdogs Altruistic Chain Letter

The Internet represents one large organization comprised of billions of people all over the globe. By employing lateral thinking, we can modify strategies created to address compromised communication from one field, Change Management, and apply it to the problem of compromised global communication (16). Large organizations in business and government can experience similar compromised communication issues on a smaller scale than what is currently occurring globally (17).

One such Change Management strategy is Lewin’s Change Process (18). The first step in Lewin’s Change Process is ensuring everyone is communicated one single consistent, unbiased, fact-checked message, formally known as an ‘Unfreeze.’

Viable Underdogs is an attempt to deliver this single fact-checked consistent message to the world. The three book titles explain this idea:

Renegades of Disruption explains how to overcome humanity’s overwhelming resistance to new ideas, since the solutions V-Dogs proposes are new and disruptive by nature. Then, a realistic, profitable global transition to sustainability within 10 years is possible if we “uncage human ingenuity” by streamlining and deploying solutions that already exist. This transition begins by laterally applying Change Management concepts to correct global communication channels by deploying the world’s first Type 1 Unfreeze-Chain letter. All materials Viable Underdogs currently produces represents this Type 1 Unfreeze-Chain Letter.


What if you had a world changing idea that you had to sell to the world?

Which communication channel would you utilize giving the following parameters:

* You have very little money for marketing. Keep in mind, the average blockbuster movie spends hundreds of millions on advertising (McClintock, P., 2014). This means you do not have the funds to successfully market on traditional platforms like TV, Facebook, Google, etc. 
* You need a rather large initial audience, since only 1 person out of 1000, statistically, will initially understand the significance and relevance of your world-changing idea, until the idea gains more popularity and moves along the adoption curve.
* Your idea is global, and therefore it would preferably be launched in a communication channel that is neutral.
This means you require a communication channel that is:

Global (to ensure you maximize the size of your audience)

Neutral (since the nature of your idea cannot create the perception of being biased)

Relatively Quiet (since you don’t have a hundred million dollar budget to successfully advertise your idea)

So, to answer the riddle: What’s a communication channel that is global, neutral, and relatively quiet?

There is only one communication channel that fits the required criteria. The only problem is that it is still considered a very taboo communication channel. However, as a reminder, this is a global crisis, and in any crisis, one needs to use whatever tools one has at their disposal. More info is available in the 
Red Version of this Executive Summary.


(Altruistic Chain Letter - Blue Version)

When an organization requires successful change, it implements strategies from the field of Change Management. This includes a process developed by Kurt Lewin in the 1940’s, which is taught in most entry level business management programs in post secondaries all around the globe. Viable Underdogs is an attempt to enact the first part of this process, Unfreeze, by modifying it into an altruistic chain letter with the intention it is forwarded on from one person to the next mainly via the Internet. In the realm of social media, this is what occurs when a meme, video, or post goes ‘viral.’ Globally, we launch these types of ‘chain letters’ all the time.

Viable Underdogs should only be forwarded by those who agree with the strategies pertaining to correcting the problems in our global communication systems. This is the only thing the chain letter seeks to address. If you answer ‘yes’ to the question that is continuously asked throughout this 16 month long chain letter.

If you decide to help forward Viable Underdogs, then I encourage you to do any of the following:

* Forwarding any book, podcast episode, video, or article to anyone you think may be interested. There is no need to forward everything, since the material continuously refers back to other parts of Viable Underdogs. The books, podcast, articles, and videos all shamelessly promote one another to ensure that forwarding one part of V-Dogs forwards on all parts of V-Dogs.

*Embedding the #YouBuying? and the #ViableUnderdogs hashtags everywhere:

-Social media posts like Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, and Facebook
-Email signatures
-Comment sections on forums, websites, particularly news sites on both sides of the spectrum (Right / Conservative & Left / Liberal)

* Making your own content that explains, simplifies, or builds on the concepts presented. The only thing requested is that you provide credit to Viable Underdogs and any other sources you utilize. Feel free to reuse V-Dogs material in any way you see fit, provided it does not change the meaning behind the source material.

Timeline of the V-Dogs Altruistic Chain Letter

The Viable Underdogs Chain Letter is a story that spans over the course of 16 months about my various attempts to promote the ideas contained within, while simultaneously also teaching you about the concepts themselves. While it may appear unnecessarily long, it is as short I was able to make it. This 16 month long message is an attempt to shift public perception and teach the fundamentals behind a brand new field in Academia: Global ‘Type 1’ Management. This Viable Underdogs chain letter represents years of research and thousand of hours of dedicated work to ensure it meets your high standards.

There are various ways you can consume the material, depending on your personal preference. It’s important to note that all my work has dates attached to it, starting from January 5, 2019 with Episode 1 in the Podcast-Audiobook. As more material is created, it builds upon the work already explored, so it is beneficial to consume the material in sequential order by the date added, although it is certainly not necessary if you’re feeling more adventurous. The 
Red Version of this article outlines different ‘choose-your-own-adventure’ methods to read, listen to, and watch Viable Underdogs.

Anything can be read, listened to, or watched on its own, and will include any necessary references on material it builds upon.

NOTE: All Podcast-Audiobook episode transcripts are available 
HERE (in the book, A Type 1 Unfreeze-Chain Letter) in case you prefer to read (or read along while you listen). I did what I could to make the Podcast-Audiobook as entertaining as possible, which is why I spent the most time writing and recording the Podcast-Audiobook. A brief summary of all the chapters is also included in the Table of Contents of the written version, A Type 1 Unfreeze-Chain Letter.

Here is the timeline of the chain letter in sequential order:

(All books (PDF), videos, and episodes are free. Just click 
HERE. Paper copies of the books are available at the included links, though there are costs for printing and shipping)

January 5, 2019

Ch. 1: Nature's Clever Engineers
Ch. 2: The Hot 'Runway' Planet

January 13, 2019

Ch. 3: Is Science Dumb? Part 1

January 20, 2019

Ch. 4: Mom Was Right: Eat Your Veggies

January 27, 2019

Ch. 5: A Nuclear Wager

February 3, 2019

Ch. 6: 'Lead' the Planet

February 17, 2019

Ch. 7: Wasteful Statistics

February 24, 2019

Ch. 8: Is Science Dumb? Part 2

March 3, 2019

Ch. 9: The Jaded Truth (Part 1)

March 10, 2019

Ch. 10: Sustainability Stalemate

March 17, 2019

Ch. 11: We're Greener: Good News and Bad News

March 24, 2019

Ch. 12: Profits > People + Planet?

March 31, 2019

Ch. 13: The Magic 'Sustainability Pill'

April 7, 2019

Ch. 14: The Hottest Countdown Ever

April 14, 2019

Ch. 15: Motivational Madness

April 21, 2019

Ch. 16: Sustainability: Are You Buying?

April 28, 2019

Ch. 17: The Jaded Truth (Part 2)

May 5, 2019

Ch. 18: Is Science Dumb? Part 3

May 12, 2019

Ch. 19: The Inevitable Redline of Civilizations

May 19, 2019

Ch. 20: There's Always a Trade-Off

May 26, 2019

Ch. 21: The Evolution of Business

June 9, 2019

Ch. 22: Poisoning our 'Well of Knowledge'

June 16, 2019

Ch. 23: Globally Updating our Methods of Discussion

June 23, 2019

Ch. 24: The Business 'Math' of Global Cooperation

June 30, 2019

Ch. 25: Global Apathy (T.J.T #3)

July 7, 2019

Ch. 26: 'Managing' Sustainability

July 14, 2019

Ch. 27: Is Science Dumb? Part 4

July 21, 2019

Ch. 28: Global Urgency

July 27, 2019

Ch. 29: Is Science Dumb? Part 5: The Epic Conclusion

August 4, 2019

Ch. 29.5: Type 1 Research Paper

August 11, 2019

Ch. 30: Uncage Human Ingenuity

August 12, 2019

Ch. 31: Communication, Perception, & Reality

August 13, 2019

Ch. 32: The 'Silo Effect' in our Sea of Knowledge

August 14, 2019

Ch. 33: A Type 1 Global Organizational Structure
Ch. 34: A Type 1 Global Sustainability Diagnostic
Ch. 35: Type 1 Global Chain Letter
Ch. 36: Viable Underdogs' Executive Summary

August 27, 2019

Video: Lateral Thinking & Nintendo

August 31, 2019

Ep. 38: The $5000 Sustainability Challenge (Part 2)

Ep. 39: The $5000 Sustainability Challenge (Part 1)

September 3, 2019

Video: Artificially Accelerating Rogers Adoption Curves

September 5, 2019

Video: A Brief Overview of our Podcast

September 8, 2019

Ep. 40: United Nations Crisis Message (From 2018)
Video: Silo Effect of Knowledge

September 9, 2019

Ep 41: No, no. Don't get up. I'll fix journalism myself.

September 11, 2019

Ep. 42: The Vatican's Global Crisis Message
Video: Listening Guide for the Podcast-Audiobook

September 12, 2019

Video: The Struggle is Very Real

September 15, 2019

Video: Thanos Crisis Message

October 17, 2019

Article: Introduction

October 18, 2019

Article 1: Communication & The Fall of Journalism
Article 2 - Part 1: Lateral Thinking, Harmonics, & Music

October 20, 2019

Article 3: Soylent Green is made of... Climate Crisis Solutions?
Article 4: A 21st Century Knowledge Revolution
Article 5: Two-Step Manuscript Submission (in Academia)

October 21, 2019

Article 2 - Part 2: Lateral Thinking, Harmonics, & Music

October 22, 2019

Article 6: Applying Lateral Thinking - Game Theory to Politics

October 25, 2019

Book: Uncage Human Ingenuity: A Realistic, Profitable Global Transition to Sustainability Within 10 Years.
Ep. 43: Viable Underdogs' First Book
Video: Peak Demand Stagger Strategy

October 27, 2019

Article 7: Peak Demand Stagger Strategy

November 4, 2019

Article 8: Disruption

November 5, 2019

Article 9 - Part 1: Understanding the Numbers

December 5, 2019

Article: Update

January 30, 2020

Book: Renegades of Disruption: How to Overcome Humanity's Overwhelming Resistance to Change & New Ideas.

February 5, 2020

Article: Over A Year After The Podcast Started

February 19, 2020

Article 10 - Part 1: An Outbreak of Terrible Communication & Leadership

February 22, 2019

Book: A Type 1 Unfreeze-Chain Letter: Laterally Applying Change Management Concepts to Correct Compromised Global Communication Channels.
(This is the written version of the Podcast-Audiobook. FREE PDF COPY OF THE BOOK AVAILABLE HERE)

March 2, 2020

Article 11: 3BL, Incentives, & Urgency

March 10, 2020

Article 12 - Part 1: Problem #7: Incorrect Global Perception

March 14, 2020

Article 10 - Part 2: An Outbreak of Terrible Communication & Leadership

March 18, 2020

Article 12 - Part 2: Perception & Social Media Amplification

March 27, 2020

Article 10 - Part 3: An Outbreak of Terrible Communication & Leadership

April 1, 2020

Article: The End of the Road...

April 10, 2020

Article 12 - Part 3: Proof of Compromised Global Communication Channels

April 18, 2020
Acknowledgements & Thanks

April 20, 2020

A Seventy Seven Million Dollar Chalk Mark**
Executive Summary and Table of Contents

(‘Laid Back’ Blue Version)

As individuals, we all have differing motivations and ambitions. As such, what may seem as motivational to one person may be seen as offensive to another and vice versa. With this in mind, two separate and very different motivational speeches were crafted. The following Blue Version is a more ‘laid back’ and upbeat version, while the 
Red Version is designed to be much more intense and arguably pessimistic. Feel free to read both, but keep in mind that it’s possible one of them or neither of them appeal to you very much (maybe you hate motivational speeches). On the other hand, perhaps both will equally appeal to you. The Blue Version borrows material from the very end of the book, A Type 1 Unfreeze-Chain Letter, while the Red Version borrows material from Chapter 25. You can read the chapter in A Type 1 Unfreeze Chain Letter, or listen to the audio version on the Podcast-Audiobook. 

Blue Version

I have a claim: that our global civilization’s systems have problems that I can correct using an approach that I outline in my books, and could teach to any average person on this planet. I sincerely hope that the material I present is coherent and appeals to your reason and logic. My apologies if any of the material is unclear. That has more to do with my ability to simplify and articulate my ideas than it does with your level of understanding.

The intended audience for Viable Underdogs is anyone and everyone, regardless of background or demographics. It doesn’t matter how old or young you are. It doesn’t matter what your level of education is, or which country you hail from. It doesn’t matter what religion you subscribe to or if you subscribe to a religion. It doesn’t matter if you’re a famous celebrity, athlete, model, or pornstar. It doesn’t matter if you’re the leader of nation or a large multinational business. It doesn’t matter if you’re a criminal in jail. This is a sale that goes out to anyone and everyone because this problem is affecting everyone.

I don’t want to be famous. I’m not looking to push some agenda or other ideals. I just want to offer up my services to the world. This problem is currently affecting you, and you are likely unaware of this. Anyone living on this planet is affected, and I have been trying for quite some time to get this point across to someone.

This is a sale. But I need to know your associative barriers are low enough when I ask if you’re buying.

Your brothers and sisters. Your sons and your daughters. Your lovers. Your friends. Your parents. Everyone you know has associative barriers that are too high. If you understand this idea (‘cause I know statistically some of you exist somewhere), then you need to forward it on. I am out of ideas. I can repair all of the problems I have identified once I have located this initial audience, but this requires your help!

So, do you want to help me with this social experiment? One in which you help me forward this Chain Letter along so I can more easily locate the 1 in a 1000 that will entertain these wild claims. Imagine the significance of an idea like this going viral. That’s your Unfreeze. That’s a Type 1 Global modification of an idea in the field of Change Management. I scaled it up a bit.

My claim is that this concept, this modified Unfreeze Global Change Message, is worth a penny to each person on the Earth. The smallest currency I can attach to every life on this planet who has been affected by this problem, and I am presenting it to you, free of charge. I do hope it is used, but it is quite fascinating to see it not being used.

We have a global communication problem, and unfortunately, it’s being further compounded by information saturation. I need your help to fix this problem. That’s why I’m not currently charging for my services because this is a mutual exchange, but this is ultimately up to you. Can you find it in yourself to trust a fellow concerned human?

I have constantly repeated that these are your decisions to make throughout my work. I have constantly encouraged you to check my research and form your own conclusions. Not because I expect all of you to, but because it should provide some amount of legitimacy should my absolute hail-mary of a second launch prove to work. I might eventually come up with a different solution, but this is all I’ve got right now. It’s up to you. This is an Unfreeze. The first person this works on can then help in convincing another person, and so on.

We’re in Redline territory. I cannot predict what system is going to fail first, but a lot of stuff needs to be addressed.

Your Help in Promoting These Strategies

Make no mistake. This strategy cannot work unless others buy into it. For this reason, I need your help forwarding and promoting Viable Underdogs to others. These books and the Podcast-Audiobook would require a large global audience within a very short amount of time for it to work. Ideally, we would have that now, since we are already pushing the limits of these strategies working in time to prevent the oncoming feedback loops.

If you have better ideas to simplify and promote these strategies, go right ahead. Maybe you can create better videos explaining these concepts than I have done. After all, making videos is not my area of expertise. My area of expertise is diagnosing and repairing complicated systems. My only request is that you credit Viable Underdogs, ‘cause this strategy requires an audience for it to work.

And if you answered ‘yes’ to the question we continually pose you, then here’s our next question. Are you going to help us sell this idea? Are you going to help spread this modified Kurt Lewin Unfreeze, otherwise fancily known as our Type 1 Chain Letter? Are you going to help us find the Innovators and Early Adopters to push this idea over the ‘Tipping Point,’ and accelerate the adoption curve of the strategies we propose?

This is our planet and our home, and we will need all the help we can get to repair our planet and transition it into a sustainable one.

All of us living on this rock are nature’s clever engineers, otherwise known as the Universe’s Viable Underdogs.


-Originally published Febuary 22, 2020.




Compromised Global Communication Overview:

Viable Underdogs. (2019). Viable Underdogs Presents: Uncage Human Ingenuity - A Realistic, Profitable Global Transition to Sustainability Within 10 Years.

Viable Underdogs. (2020). Viable Underdogs Presents: A Type 1 Unfreeze-Chain Letter - Laterally Applying Change Management Concepts To Correct Compromised Global Communication Channels.

Viable Underdogs. (2020). Viable Underdogs Presents: Renegades of Disruption - How to Overcome Humanity’s Overwhelming Resistance to Change & New Ideas.

(1) Renegades of Disruption: Part 3 (pp. 45-70). More information on the slow acceptance of new ideas can be read about in the book, The Myths of Innovation, by Scott Berkun.

(2) Change that took decades:

Lead in the 20th Century: Renegades of Disruption (pp. 52 - 56)
Sterilization in surgery: Renegades of Disruption (pp. 67 - 68)
Change that took / is taking centuries:
Eliminating Scurvy: Renegades of Disruption (p. 10)
More information in the book, Diffusion of Innovations, by Everett Rogers
Introducing Game Theory to politics (ongoing for over 180 years):
Renegades of Disruption (pp. 60 - 65)
(3) 1 in 1000: Renegades of Disruption: Beyond the Rogers Adoption Curve (pp. 111 - 118)

(4) Social & psychological factors: Renegades of Disruption (pp. 86 - 111)

(5) Education: Renegades of Disruption (pp. 109 - 111, 140 - 141)

Article 11: 3BL, Incentives, & Urgency
(6) Associative Barriers: Renegades of Disruption (pp. 75 - 85, 202)

(7) Disruption of Journalism: Renegades of Disruption (pp. 195 - 197, 220 - 221)

(8) Decreases ad revenue: Renegades of Disruption (pp. 198 - 200)

Article 1: Communication & The Fall of Journalism
(9) News Media Amplifying social Media: Article 12 - Part 2: Perception & Social Media Amplification

(10) Disruption: Renegades of Disruption (pp. 146 - 155, 220 - 222). More info on disruption can be read about in the book, The Innovator’s Dilemma, by Clayton Christensen.

(11) Video Rental Disruption: Renegades of Disruption (pp. 149 - 152)

(12) Networking & Communication Systems: A Type 1 Unfreeze- Chain Letter (pp. 255 - 263)

(13) Ineffective global management:

Sustainability: Uncage Human Ingenuity: Part 6 (pp. 141 - 160)
COVID -19 : Article 10 - Parts 1, 2, & 3: An Outbreak of Terrible Communication & Leadership
(14) Our inability to globally communicate in a crisis: Uncage Human Ingenuity - Part 2 (pp. 35 - 68)

(15) Article 12 - Part 1: Incorrect Global Perception

Article 12 - Part 2: Perception & Social Media Amplification
Article 12 - Part 3: Proof of Compromised Global Communication Channels
(16) Lateral Thinking: Renegades of Disruption (pp. 124 - 126, 156 - 181)
Video: Lateral Thinking (Red and Blue Versions)
(17) Crisis Communications & The oil company, BP:
A Type 1 Unfreeze-Chain Letter (pp. 194 - 196). More info in the book, Crisis Communications, by Steven Fink.
(18) Kurt Lewin’s Change Process: Uncage Human Ingenuity (pp. 182 - 193)

Other References

McClintock, P. (2014) The Hollywood Reporter. $200 million and rising: Hollywood struggles with soaring marketing costs.

**Technically, it’s worth $78 Million now.

Relevant Experience & Education

In Frans Johansson’s book, The Medici Effect, he stresses the importance of being familiar with more than one field of study. The more fields of study one is familiar with, the higher the likelihood of successful Lateral Thinking. Here is a very brief outline of my experience and education that outlines how I became aware of these problems and created their solutions:

Automotive Service Technician (Red Seal, Blue Seal, & Master Tech)

During my employment as a tech, I specialized mainly in computer networking and electrical diagnostics. The global communication problems currently occurring are similar to what occurs in vehicle networking systems. For more information on this comparison, please read A Type 1 Unfreeze Chain Letter (pp. 255 - 263).

Sales, Marketing, & Management (Domestic & International)

This includes experience in the real estate, automotive, and construction fields. During my employment, I was responsible for overseeing millions in property & assets, marketing and promotional campaigns.

Business Management & Electrical Engineering Technology

During the course of the research performed for the material presented in Viable Underdogs, I unofficially audited two programs in post secondary: engineering and business. During the course of this audit, I obtained a Diploma in Business Management, and successfully completed half of the engineering program. I chose not to complete the engineering program to focus more time and energy on completing these books.
As well, I also have experience in logistics & supply chain management, I have traveled, worked, and lived abroad, and have organized and led tours in several countries.

However, as I have occasionally repeated in my work, I enjoy my privacy and would rather not provide more personal details at this time. This information should provide some insight on the inspiration for the ideas contained within.

Personally, I am of the belief that an author’s work should stand on its own merit, but due to the overwhelming resistance I have encountered in promoting these ideas, I decided to include them here to offer more legitimacy. I obtained honours in the business diploma. Does that add a tad more legitimacy? What? A Humble-brag, you say…

Solving the Global Communication Crisis

Prior to reading: The following article references material included in other books. Check out for a list of all books. It may be...